There was a time in my life when ice cream was very important to me. I especially loved it as a child. It seemed a divine treat!
Now that I am a mom, I am less keen to serve it to my own child. The combination of milk, sugar and cold seem like a potential immune catastrophe. But I am very happy and excited to share that I have found a workaround. Follow the recipe below for a tasty, healthy treat!

You need a food processor or high-powered blender to get the right consistency. Or if you REALLY want to do it right get a Yonanas banana ice cream maker. (If you are going that route, you will find great tutorials here.)
3 Ripe Bananas (over-ripe work best) – Cut and frozen solid (freeze overnight)
3 Tablespoons Cacao Powder
3 Tablespoons Date Sugar (or alternative)
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
Blend it altogether… taste test and add more cocoa powder or date sugar according to your preferences. I like to totally mask the banana taste (which varies depending on how ripe the bananas are) until the chocolate flavor melts through. You may want to add some ice chips if your mixture is stubbornly tasting like banana (or if it’s too thin) – it needs to be super cold. Add almond, coconut, or other non-dairy milk if you prefer to serve as a shake. (My daughter loves this too!) If your kids love this as much as mine does, here’s a bazillion more banana ice cream recipes.
Presentation matters! I have cute little glass ice cream dishes for serving. (Which I picked up at a thrift store.) I use a melon baller to make nice small round scoops, and top with organic confetti sprinkles or other toppings.
Here is what is so fantastic about this recipe – you feel really good after eating it. Seriously, the powerhouse combination of bananas, dates, coconut oil and cacao gives you a huge immune and energy boost like nothing you have experienced before. It’s the total opposite of the sluggish, ill-ish feeling you get after consuming traditional ice cream.

And that is a win for everyone!